Holly Passmore

Passionate about wellbeing through design.

“Better environments are better built collaboratively. Better collaboration needs more bridge-builders to connect possibilities. It’s in this space that Holly is making a mark, and as an early career professional, one to watch for future collaborative leadership.”

Diarmaid Lawlor, Associate Director, Scottish Futures Trust

Bring evidence-based design and wellbeing together

Explore the psychological value of designing spaces smartly and sustainably to optimise every day health and wellbeing.

Our environment plays a fundamental role in how we think and feel, every single day. Through design, architects and designers can benefit their clients’ cognitive, emotional, social and physical wellbeing.


“Holly’s a unique researcher—she navigates the processes of evidence-driven and participation-focused bridge building to build better relationships, create deeper knowledge and provoke wider opportunities to put people at the very heart of shaping better places for better lives”

Diarmaid Lawlor
Associate Director, Scottish Future’s Trust

“I’ve collaborated with Holly over the last few years to develop educational presentations on the subject of inclusive school design. Holly’s always engaging, actively involved and passionate about her specialist subject. She goes the extra mile to ensure her material is to a high quality. Her thoughtful contributions are valued as she speaks with authority on the subject of Psychology.”

Izzy Butcher
Senior Landscape Architect, HLM Architects

Latest articles

Blog series [3/4]: ‘Transparency is Key'​

I recently invited parents of learners, teachers and inclusive learning organisations across the UK to share their perspectives on Covid’s disruption on learner experience. This blog shares a sense of the messages from parents.

Blog series [2/4]: ‘Are our learners ok?'​

I created a survey exploring this impact on learning experiences which was sent directly to learners. This blog provides a true taster of how learners feel.

Blog series [1/4]: ‘From fear to curiosity'

This blog series was written in 2020 and builds on research for ‘The Festival of Learning Spaces’, exploring practical steps for inclusive environments upon schools restarting.